If you would like send us an event request, click here!
Baptism Sunday
March 9th, 10:30am
If you have never been baptized in water, now is the time! Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward change, and the public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. Be sure to fill out a water baptism form, found at the hospitality desk in the lobby.
Men’s & Women’s Night
March 16th, 6pm
Join us for a powerful night of fellowship and growth! Come connect, learn, and be inspired through our men’s and women’s ministries. We can’t wait to see you there!
New Here Lunch
March 23rd, following Sunday Morning Service
Are you new to The Rock Church? We want to get to know you and welcome you to the fam! Sign up to join the staff and board members for a lunch directly following the Sunday morning worship service. Food is provided! Sign up HERE!
The Rock Kids Dodgeball
March 28th, 6-8pm
Join the Rock Kids for a night of dodgeball in the gym! This is for children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. 
Family Sunday
March 30th, 10:30am
Every month that has a 5th Sunday, we will welcome our kids into the sanctuary to worship alongside us! It’s a beautiful opportunity to worship as a family, strengthen bonds between generations, and create memories. The kids will join us for worship and return to kids church for the remainder of the service (nursery is provided for the entire service).